Fair warning, this post is going to chock-full of photos! Check out this family... When there are 8 family members,
it's hard to pick just a few photos to fully represent everyone!
The Ternahan Clan
So - new beginnings. The Ternahans have had several of those, right? But it's not just the kiddos I'm talking about. These parents are Christ-focused and have their ears tuned to His leading. They have stepped out in faith and purchased land to start a brave and impactful journey. They closed on that land just a week before we scheduled their photos and they knew that's where we had to go! We were able to document a radical new beginning for them and our SouthShore community. Not only do they have a precious newborn baby (#6!), but also this first step in bringing the Florida Oasis Project into fruition.
The Florida Oasis Project:
"The Oasis Project is a dream that was put on our hearts to bring the community together
by providing an oasis of calm at the center of the city."
Being able to capture these beautiful first images at the early stages of their journey was so special!
Now, let's dig into this adorable family! SIX kiddos!? They're crazy, right? Nope. Well, maybe a little - hah! They're faithful. And it all started with these two. I tell ya, I don't know how they do it, but I'm sure glad they do it together. They're a fantastic team!
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Let's document those kiddos from oldest to youngest and immerse ourselves in a cuteness overload along the way!
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How beautiful is this? The oldest cradling the youngest. And Mamma just can't get enough! We even got some smirks out of baby boy!
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Have no fear, there are some girls in here! Did I mention how fun and precious they are!? Thank goodness
for some estrogen in this group! The fellas have them a little outnumbered, but they can
definitely hold their own! Such a sweet bond they have with their Mom.
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These girls also take joy in hanging out with
their little bro. Such little Mommies. Good
thing, because this Mamma will take all
the help she can get!
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And now, more boys!
These boys and their Dad. Wow, look at these cuties!
And last, but certainly not least, the newest beginning for the Ternahan family. I can't even. Can you see that mohawk??
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I feel so blessed to have had the pleasure of transforming these fleeting moments into a lifetime of memories!
Thank you Ternahans!